Understanding the difference the Unite Foundation scholarship makes to the students we support is vital to ensure, as an organisation, we’re putting our resources in the right place.
Our Theory of Change below illustrates the journey our scholarship students are able to take when their rent and bills are taken care of through our accommodation scholarship, and when the wider population of care experienced and estranged students are involved with our online community.

Our Theory of Change highlights the real importance of stability, holistic tailored support and connection for care experienced and estranged students. It also illustrates our belief that by building a sense of belonging and value at their university care experienced and estranged students are empowered to benefit fully and equitably from a higher education.
We continue to build our understanding of the impact of our work. Building on what students have shared with us over the last 10 years on the life changing impact a secure and safe place at university can have. In our focus to understand our long term outcomes we commissioned an independent analysis, conducted by Jisc of 10 years worth of our data. This showed the positive effect the scholarship has in terms of progression, retention and completion for care leavers and those estranged from their families.
You can find out more about our scholarship numbers, and student population – our inputs, through our annual summary here.
If you would like to know more about our work or our theory of change drop us an email at info@unitefoundation.org.uk.